
In the area you have selected landslide susceptibility is classified as low according to the information that is currently available. This means that this area has rainfall patterns, terrain slope, geology, soil, land cover and (potentially) earthquakes that make localized landslides an uncommon hazard phenomenon. Based on this information, planning decisions such as project siting, project design, and construction methods, may want to consider the potential for landslides. Further detailed information should be obtained to better understand the level of landslide susceptibility in your project area.

Climate change impact: Climate change is likely to alter slope and bedrock stability through changes in precipitation and/or temperature. It is difficult to determine future locations and timing of large rock avalanches, as these depend on local geological conditions and other non-climatic factors.


  • GOVERNMENT EXPERTISE: Contact the governmental organizations responsible for management of landslides in the project country (e.g. ministry of environment, national geological survey and/or local authorities) to obtain more detailed information on areas previously affected by landslides and areas considered to be highly susceptible. More information
  • DO NOT INCREASE HAZARD: Carefully consider the sites of all planned project infrastructure to ensure that landslide hazard will not be increased significantly through project construction, for example because of inappropriate excavation, slope loading, vegetation removal, and interference with natural waterways and/or existing drainage systems. More information
  • REGULATIONS: Ensure that the project obeys existing (if any) landslide zoning regulations. More information
We welcome any suggestions for improvements to the tool, including suggestions of data, recommendations, or resources to include.

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