
In the area you have selected (Trashiyangtse) water scarcity is classified as very low or non-existent according to the information that is available to this tool. However, additional information may show some level of hazard. If local or additional information sources suggest that there is drought hazard, follow the recommendations below and seek expert guidance on additional recommended actions. In the area you have selected droughts will occur much less than once every 1000 years. Based on this information, drought hazard does not need to be explicitly considered for your project. Although the drought hazard is considered to be very low or non-existent in the project location, additional information may show some level of hazard. If local or additional information sources suggest that there is drought hazard, follow the recommendations below and seek expert guidance on additional recommended actions.

Climate change impact: Model projections are inconsistent in their estimates of change in drought hazard, which influences water scarcity. The present hazard level may increase in the future due to the effects of climate change. It would be prudent to design projects in this area to be robust to increased drought hazard and water scarcity in the long-term.


  • SEEK INFORMATION: Conduct a risk assessment to further evaluate if your project is vulnerable to water scarcity/drought and whether a more detailed assessment and/or intervention should be considered. More information
  • EXISTING INFORMATION: Obtain pre-existing drought and water scarcity information. ThinkHazard! predominantly uses global datasets, therefore you should determine the availability of pre-existing local information to check whether your project is indeed located in a region prone to water scarcity / drought. More information
  • WATER MANAGEMENT: Your project should consider water scarcity/drought management measures to alleviate risk, including water storage, alternative sources, and reduced use of resources. More information
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